KOR 3000 - Rozsdamentes és speciális Kötőelemek


community roles

Tatabánya Goalball Association

Next to serving market needs and our partners, it is important for our company that, to also plays its part in community life according to our company’s capabilities.

For this reason, our company has been supporting the Goalball association in Tatabánya, run by the Komárom-Esztergom County Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired people, which is not famous and popular sport activity as a spectator sport e.g.: football, basketball and therefore they receive very little attention and supports!

It is important for us to help and support this kind of disabled people who are not in the center of society’s attention. If you are interested and would like to support this type of sport or the visually impaired people, contact the association at the following link below: https://www.vgykeme.hu/kapcsolat/kapcsolat.html

Vakok és Gyengénlátók Komárom – Esztergom Megyei Egyesülete által működtetett, tatabányai Csörgő Labda egyesület

Arrabona Racing Team - Formula Student

We are very proud that our company can supply the Arrabona Racing Team, created by the students of the Széchenyi István University in Győr, with titanium screws and fasteners, thus contributing to their successful races, so they can build even better and faster racing cars!

In 2021/2022, they also managed to achieve a podium finish in 3 competitions that achieved outstanding success.

We wish the team good luck in the next season!